Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ein neues Leben als Student in der Hochschule Zeit

hello there,

the new life has just begin..after 2 years of tiring preparation, required a lot of ''energy'' mental & physical endurance , i'm now entering the life of university student, or auf deutsch :

''ein neues Leben als Student in der Hochschule Zeit''

as a Maschinenbau Student / Mecha Engin. Student, ++ as the 1st Semester Student, i will learn 6 subjects, which most of it (so far that i know, after a week and 3 days of lecture) i have learned it since primary school. therefore, i could call this few weeks of lecture as a revision class to me, which i think very very / nomu nomu GUT.

so, these are the list of my subject for 1st Semester :

  1. Mathematik 1
  2. Physik 1
  3. Fertigungsverfahren (manufacturin process)
  4. Konstruktion 1 (TZ / Technical Drawing)
  5. Statik
  6. Werkstoffkunde (material science)
okey, for maths and physics + statik, i still can manage to understand what the lecture is talking about at the front, although some words i haven't heard or i don't remember or slighty to understand due to pronounciation. but, there's always a ''butt''

but, for the three other subjects, humphhhh..learn more deutsch and be friended with germans, listen to germans radio oder einfach höre Musik. wahhhhh!!! i feel like my deutsch (which already C1, if i'm not mistaken) so broken. i hardly understand what the lecturer said, especially Konstruktion 1. as my opinion, the lecture might think that all his students are germans, so he speaks as fast as ''lightning''.


but hey!!what am i supposed to do??blame the lecture??blame myself lah..haiya!!everyday and everytime (poyo), i spend my time checking for the translation of every word that i dont't know or never heard or already heard, but forgotten..

nevertheless, studying in Hochschule Rhein-Main, Campus Rüsselsheim (hey, it's a fact, that my hostel is just at the corner of my university, and it only take a minute to reach my class) is something that really make my life become, erkkkk, merely complete (my dream to study in germany, now my dream have comes true) for merely complete, there are still a lot of things to be completed..

so far, i'm happy to study here, to live here in Rüsselsheim, although studying in germany is not as easy as i 5 years later (insyaAllah, withoud extend and complete study with bach. degree & master), i will return back to my home country, Malaysia, cause I'm still Malaysian, and always be a Malaysian and threrefore, i will continue to serve my country ;)

that's all for now =)

Monday, October 11, 2010

lintas jalan

hallo there,

nieh kes semasa aku melintas jalan betul2 di hadapan hostel aku. sewaktu aku baru pulang dari main futsal dengan senior2 aku kat sportcentre rüsselsheim..ini kali pertama jadi kepada aku, akibat terlalu sambil lewa seperti berada di Malaysia..

germany, rules are very important..time dekat traffic light nak melintas jalan ke hostel, aku dengan senior main redah jerr lampu isyarat. actually, aku dah taw lampu lintas pejalan kaki dah nak hijau, sebab traffic light dr arah kereta dah merah. so, redah jerr la..klau kat mesia, merah pun redah jerr bila takde kereta..

then, tetiba datang satu suara, yang agak hampir..suara tersebut berbunyi (lebih kurang la) :

eine frau mit den kindern : nicht durchquerren, wenn die Ampel noch rot ist. es gibt kinder hier, das ist nicht einen guten vorbild

lalu, aku dan senior aku terpinga-pinga..sesudah melintas, rakan2 di belakang pun berkata2, bahawasanya aku dan senior aku dah wat kesalahan. bila melintas jalan raya bila lampu pejalan kaki merah, sangat2 dilarang jika ada kanak2 kecil, sebab diowg akan bertanya pada mak mereka, yang mana, akan susah tok di jawab..

seriously, segala rule jalan raya dekat germany, mmg kne ikut, even kes lintas jalan seperti yang di ceritakan di atas..

ade satu perkara yang aku belajar, aku experience sendiri di germany.. bila nampak zebra / lintasan zebra, saat2 tuh la manusia pejalan kaki boleh redah sesuka hati, bagaikan raja. biar kereta laju macam mana pun, kete tuh akan berhenti, emergency break pn diowg sanggup..sangat la menarik lintasan zebra di sini..sangat2 di harapkan, pemandu di Malaysia begitu juga / termasuk la diri aku nie..

tuh jerr la yang nak di ceritakan..aku ketandusan idea actually nak tulis blog, so, ble2 jerr ade mood nak tulis, maka lajulah tangan nieh menekan2 butang2 huruf pada keyboard..

till then =)