about da title??
it juz come in my mind when i was at da 1st tyme using diz blog..i should also said dat, it is one of the lyrics from SUM 41,but ryte now ( at da tyme i write diz post ) i can't remember the title of the song..perhaps, i will write the title when i can remember it back...
so, ekceli, our life's is not " full of emptiness " n datz y i wrote it with question mark @ "?".. we had occupied our life's with full things. e.g : playing computer games, gossiping ( especially among the gurlz ),huhu, eating, surf da internet n even sleeping & etc...
juz wanna say dat, the title is not the exactly meaning of this blog...
n da most important is, i wanna improve my english, absolutely my grammar, eventhough i know dat i didn't write in a correct words of english.. "wanna", "diz" n bla bla bla...
so, those who had visited this blog, keep continue visiting it..
( some words in german as i learn german )
lernen Sie fleissig, seien Sie bitte aktiv, machen Sie Spass und viel glueck!!!
ich moechte nicht nur mein english sondern auch mein deutsch verbessen..deshalb mache ich dieses Blog, weil ich moechte mehr auf english und deutsch schreiben..
yes..im da 1st one~~ >.< keep it up..
tuka link ke blog aku.
gne yg herimperfectside.blogspot.com yer.
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