Wednesday, October 28, 2009

oral (german)

Von allen Dingen, die ich habe,finde ich meine Gitarre am besten zu erzaehlen. Zuerst will ich erzaehlen, wo wann und warum ich sie gekauft habe. Ich habe sie Endes des Jahres 2007 von einem Gitarregeschaeft in Melaka gekauft. Sie ist blau und hat nur RM130 gekostet. Das ist nicht zu teuer,finde ich. Es gab viele andere Gitarre, die teurer als meine waren.

Troztdem ich nicht spielen konnte,kaufte ich sie. Warum? Nach der Abschluss Pruefung war,bin ich gelangweilt. Ich wusste nicht, was ich machen musste. Ich habe immer geschlafen. Ploetzlich hat meiner Freund mir empfohlen, die Gitarre lernen konnte. Deshalb kaufte ich sie. Eigentlich wollte ich von meinem Freund waehrend meine Ferien nach der Abschluss Pruefung lernen, aber er musste sich mit seiner Arbeit beschaeftigen. Deshalb wurde meine Gitarre nur eine Dekoration bei mir zu Hause. Ich habe versucht, selbst zu spielen, aber es schafft nicht.

Aber dann ging ich Ende 2008 zum KBU und ich traf Faizal und Hakeem. Sie sind meine Mitschueler und die beide koennen sehr gut Gitarre spielen.Ich habe von Ihnen viel gelernt. Nach den zwei Monaten konnte ich das erste Lied spielen. Der Titel ist "Pieces", ein Lied von SUM 41. Heuzutage kann ich mehrere Liede spielen, etwa zehn. Fuer mich, wenn ich meine Gitarre spielen, fuehle ich mich entspannend. Ich will auch meine Gitarre spielen, wenn ich unter Stress bin und Probleme habe.

Eigentlich habe ich einen Traum, dass ich mein eigenes Lied Kompanieren machen will,vielleich auf Deutsch, Fruehe konnte ich nicht singen, wenn ich Gitarre spiele, aber jetzt kann ich singen, wenn ich spiele. Ich habe nachgedacht, wenn ich naechstes Jahr nach Deutschland fliegen kann, will ich meine Gitarre mitbringen, so dass ich mich nicht langweilig fuehlen will.
Translation, next post.....

Saturday, October 17, 2009

cute lil' girl wearing "bende putih yg balut kaki dye tuh"

kawaii @ schoen

short biodata :
name : nur athirah bte hisham
dob : 11 september 2007
pob : kajang
favourite food : any kind of MEE
hobby : drawing & go outside da haus

juz look at the pix, she's still cute even with that "bende putih yg balut kaki dye tuh"....

athirah,so cute

hey,who's diz cute lil' girl's uncle??

she can't walk anymore,yeah,only for 3 months,not 4 da rest of her life..but somehow,i feel a lil' bit guilty.y?da reason she wear that "bende putih yg balut kaki dye tuh",probably because of me.i rmmbr one day that i forgot to watch her playing on the bed,suddenly,she fell down from the bed,crying loudly.but,my family didn't notice about it.when she stopped crying,i gave her back to MY mom to take care of her.until now,nobody knows about that incident.sorry athirah,it was UCU's fault..

Thursday, October 15, 2009

putr@jaya 3

continue from the last post....

not so much to tell about,it juz dat,we "sesat2" on da way to ZUL's uncle's house,sumwhere around was late in da evening,at it was da tyme to pray "maghrib"..zul's idea was not to pray at his uncle's haus (tak nk kaco owg),so we decided to stop by at MASJID KLIA.unfortunately,we took da wrong "path" which lead us to TERMINAL we spent another half an hour to turn over and pray..

when we arrived at ZUL's uncle's haus, we were served with MEE BANDUNG,such a delicious MEE i ever had (sje puji)..we had a chit chat for a while,then we went back..otw back, ZUL's wanted, really wanted to go through SMART TUNNEL, so, we did it..

watch da video below..

while everyone was really tired, especially MU'ADZ, i had another brilliant idea that really make us rmmbr about that day..we stopped by at TASIK TITIWANGSA..there, we played at the playground, and.....juz datz it..then,final destination, CENTREPOINT..i taught everyone was tired, but, after arrived at hostel, we then watched muvee, i can't really rmmbr, maybe LOTR..meanwhile, i told all about our journey to SUE and DARWIN, including some stupid topic, between DARWIN and me..

datz all....

Thursday, October 8, 2009

putr@jaya 2

kanak2 riang

5th case scenario :
when we arrived at IMIGRESEN department, we're confused,which floor should we go.after asking ( i donno what should called her,officer @ receptionist)..then,MU'ADZ,PEJAL,CIKO and KAMARUL took "borang" to make their pasport. however,all of them didn't have enough MONEY, so ZUL and I went to ATM to withdraw some amount of money for them as they fill the "borang" make it short,MU"ADZ's card can't be used whereas KAMARUL's didn't have enough amount of money (CIMB only)


6th case scenario :
before they can continue their progress to make their pasport, they need to take photo (pasport size). while waiting for them to take photo, ZUL and I went to fill our stomach with some SNACK. after done eating, they suddenly told me that, they didn't want to make their pasport today. they said that, it already late and they didn't want to return back to PUTR@JAYA to take back the pasport and the cost for pasport size photo was about RM18 for 4..pergh,ak pn pk mahal!!!!so,we had just burn our time just like that =(

7th case scenario :
because our mission does not completed, we make our decision to "pusing2" around PUTR@JAYA..i'm lazy to type,so i just show the pictures only

muke perasan cumeyl =p

i think this is a candid one

midland @ d tasek

midland @ d tasek

It was MU'ADZ idea to go to this lake. first, we just wanted to "lepaq@" at the "pondok" near to the lake. but then, we all agreed to move a step futher, we wanted to ride "pedal boat" (like that la).. however, we change our mind after that. so, we just took a few pix...

*macam2 gaya la kuar,GAY, CUMEYL, MACHO n etc.dh meluat aku tengok =p

d tengah kota raya

no comment on this pix

wtf!!such a group of gay!!

pix above, we took after feeling so boring hanging around BANGUNAN KERAJAAN + hungry..we feel like we were tourists,haha..never been to PUTR@JAYA before this, that's why laa...

alamanda @ park

alamanda @ shopping centre

b'coz KAMARUL "sangap" wanna go to alamanda, as he never been there, so we all again agree to go to alamanda. the first thing we do, we sat on the bench, thinking of what we gonna do there. so, we walk around alamanda just like someone "yang takde tujuan"..then, we pray and we left for ZUL's uncle (datang beraya). to look nice, we bought a box of APPLE Pie as "buah tangan" to his (ZUL's) uncle..

to be continued again........

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


zul,azizi,pejal,ciko,mu'adz & kamarul (fotographer)

main reason, why we went to putrajaya : we wanted to make pasport for us, whereas i wanted to renew my old pasport,unfortunately, i didn't bring along my old pasport.

at IMIGRESEN department

1st case scenario :
we were 6 of us, but my SWEET & CUTE car (kancil) cannot carry all of us,especially we decided to borrow ZHAF arts the time we wanted to start our journey, we lack of driver, because Mu'adz didnt't bring his driving license whereas CIKO are not familiar with BANDAR'S road. so, 6 of us were "put" inside 1 car

2nd case scenario :

we had a difficulty to find PUTRA mosque, even some of us already been there. so, we gotta to PUSING2 around putrajaya for several of times. suddenly, KAMARUL came with a brilliant idea. he told me to follow a motorcyclist, because he wearing baju MELAYU, and for sure he wanted to go to the mosque. ahhhhh!!!that rider went to a BANGUNAN KERAJAAN. so we just TAWAKAL after that, and GOD willing, we saw the signboard showing the direction to the mosque. ALHAMDULILLAH

Putra Mosque

3rd case scenario :
after FRIDAY's prayer, we have, what we called in MALAY,sessi fotografi. (mcm la kami ni foreigner). then, we had another problem. we're lost, our mission was to find PRESINT II, but we can't. it took about an hour just to find PRESINT II. while searching for that PRESINT, we went to a petrol station to TOP UP the car GAS. Mu'adz have a part time job =)

Mu'adz part time job

continue from 3rd case scenario :
when we arrived at PRESINT II, we had another problem. which department should we go, IMIGRESEN @ JPN?? (mereng kejap sumer2).. opsss!!!i wanted to enter the parking, but it is only for HANDLEG @ KAKITANGAN. quickly, as fast as SIPUT BABI, i reverse the car, and run off. then, i dropped them at JPN building, while me and ZUL went to find parking..

4th case scenario :
then suddenly FAIZAL called me, and he told that, we should go to IMGIRESEN department instead of JPN deparment to make our pasport. we're such a FOOL. it is not so far from JPN building (that IMGIRESEN bulding), just accross the main road. look pix below.

Government building

to be continued.......