Wednesday, September 23, 2009


i've already learned about 4 languages, not to include BABY LANGUAGES cuz i don't think a normal (ADULT) people can understand it..

1st, my mother tongue, BAHASA MELAYU, which i always use for my daily conversation..2nd, english, i only use it sometimes, on SPECIAL occasion..then, the 3rd one is arab, which is the hardest language i ever learned, but, it's really2 BERSENI..after that, GERMAN, i started learn german at secondary school, and it's quite similar to english, so not so hard to learn...

from all the languages i have learned, the one that i really like is ARAB, coz it is AL=QURAN's language, followed by malay (of coz, my mother tongue), then german and lastly, english (really don't like english)..

(i have no idea, juz wanna write something + to improve my ENGLISH)..btw, TEE is juz around da corner, and oral!!!next week start,fuhh!!wutever it is, may ALLAH bless us all in our journey on this EARTH...

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